The mission of Mittaviiva is to implement information. We want to share the information yielded from projects – good and constructive examples – according to the principles of continuous improvement. Training might be the seed of change. Knowledge, skill and will create an approach. Increasing knowledge, improving skills and strengthening common will improves our approach.
Schedule management
The success of a construction project depends strongly on how well production can be managed with schedules. With good schedule planning it is possible to diminish the risks of a project by composing schedules that are feasible, goal-directed and enable management.
In Mittaviiva’s schedule trainings we dive deep into the basics, methods and stages of scheduling without forgetting the Ratu production planning system either. We go through a vast collection of examples and tasks through which the issues and the connections between them are clarified.
The purpose of the trainings is to awaken, give food for thought and plant a seed of voluntary familiarization. A person who is interested and willing to learn will learn.

Work safety
Safety begins from the right attitude
Mittaviiva trains work safety of construction in companies and projects. Information content, gamification or stories concerning accidents on the construction sites, as well as their causes and consequences may be included in the training according to the wishes of the customer.
This training will be remembered!
Quality and quality assurance
From which factors does the quality of construction stem?
Mitaviiva’s quality training is discussion, exchange of thoughts, participation, pondering, analysis, tasks, inspiration, examples, stories, experiences…
The PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge creates one perspective on quality, how to control it and how to manage the quality of the project. Planning, assuring, monitoring, and executing – in the training we look for models to achieve built-in quality.
Merely managing issues does not work – people must be managed. Welcome to ponder together how it is done.

Task-planning is a systematic way to plan and manage the execution of a single task. The goal is to assure the execution of the planned entity so, that the quality requirements set in the project documents, as well as the cost and scheduling objectives are achieved in a safe manner.
Task-planning is a significant part of the vocational education of employees in construction. Company-specific tesu -trainings, in which the company’s way of acting can be partly created and implemented, have also been popular. The information is shared, skills are assured, and a will to plan, prepare and manage tasks is created.
Cost management
A reliable evaluation of costs is always based on the knowledge of prices and contribution. Mittaviiva does research and product updates related to monitoring cost levels on a yearly basis.
Ratu work consumption is investigated continuously. Understanding the world of contributions and knowledge of their prices enable a reliable cost accounting of output, building blocks and spaces.
If you would like to learn this logic or to reinforce your perception of it, contact us. Let’s create a suitable set for your company, organization, school or team.
Leadership profiles
Mittaviiva works as a certified coach for Peili™-behavioural profile and Peili™-leadership evaluation.
Peili™is an efficient tool with which collaboration between different people can be enhanced and improved. These skills are especially useful in leadership. In the Peili™ behavioural profile colleagues evaluate the person’s work. Via feedback the person learns to understand different models of behaviour, how others see his/her own work and how he/she is able to conform to different situations and people. Peili™ has been utilized successfully in companies for over 25 years.
The basis of the Peili™ leadership profile lies in the behavioural certifications determined by IPMA (International Project Management Association). Behaviour competences are general dimensions linked to humanity, which are required in leadership. Thus, behaviour competences also apply as a basis for a general leadership feedback tool.
Lean Construction
The work The Machine that Changed the World gave the production system created by Toyota (TPS) a new name – Lean Production (Manufacturing Management).
Mittaviiva believes in Lean – respecting people and the healing power of continuous development also in construction.
Contact us, we would be happy to tell you more about our perspective – from theory to practice, philosophy and tools, working together.
Mittaviiva is a Last Planner® System -trainer approved by the Lean Construction Institute. The method offers a way to combine planning and monitoring, maximizing the ability to produce quality and minimizing loss in the construction process.
Last Planner, originally designed for production planning, is also an excellent tool for the management of planning. Requirements of the needed original information as well as temporal and substantive goals are managed with the method. If you want transparency in the management of planning, contact us. Let’s make the project an effort that targets a common goal, like it should be.